Tibet, Eda Elif & Deeq, Abdi (2023) Learning to be freed: Affective Multimodalities in Third Space. Manuscript / Book, (Forthcoming Trankript Verlakt).
Peer Reviewed Publications at International Scientific Journals:
Tibet, E.E. & Deeq, A (2022) Learning to be Freed: Affective Multimodalities in Third Space. Special Issue on Engaged Anthropology in and beyond Switzerland. Tsantsa journal 27: 58-77
Larsen, P & Bacalzo, D & & Naef, P & Tibet, E.E & Riva, S & Baracchini, L. (2022) Repositioning Engaged Anthropology: Critical Reflexivities and Overcoming Dichotomies. (Special Issue on “Engaged Anthropology in and beyond Switzerland”
Moretti, F & Tibet, E.E. (2022) Transcending Frontier through a Valorisation of Emotions:Affective Multimodalities as Co-Authored Films. Tracce Urbane Rivista Italian Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 7(11)
Tibet, E.E (2023) Freeing Tibet: Musical Multimodalities of Nomads and Warriors (forthcoming at, Journal of the American Anthropological Association’s Special Issue on Sensing Neo-Coloniality through Multimodal Interventions / forthcoming ).
Tibet, E, E & Yalcin, F (2021) The Architects of Syria’s Future are Dropping Out: The Closure of Syrian Temporary Education Centers in Turkey. Academia Letters 1, Article 285.
Thieme, S. & Tibet, E.E. (2020) New Political Upheavals and Women Alliances in Solidarity Beyond “Lock Down” in Switzerland at times of a Global Pandemic. Interface: A journal for and about social movements, Special issue on “Social Movements in and Beyond the Covid-19 crisis: Sharing Stories of Struggles” , 12 (1): 199-207.
Strasser, S & Tibet, E,E. (2019) ‘The Border Event in the Everyday: Hope and Constraints Among the Young Migrants in Turkey’. Special Issue at JEMS: The Journal ofEthnic and Migration Studies, 46(2), 354-371.
Tibet, E. E & Deeq, A. (2019) ‘DE NOVO: Photography as a Way of Finding Place in the World, Presenting Abdi Deeq’s Art-work. (Also in French: De Novo: La photographie comme une façon de trouver sa place au sein du Monde) .Revue Jeunes et Mineurs en Mobilite Journal (4) 18-36.
Tibet, E. E. (2018) The Sentient Ecology of Cappadocia: Dove Cote Paintings, Pigeons, Vineyards Cave Dwellers and Fairy Chimneys. Biodiversity Journal of Life andEarth,19 (3-4) 225-236.
Tibet, E. E. (2017) ‘Escaping Exclusion: Confused Moralities and the Syrian Unaccompanied Minors’ Search for Freedom in Turkey’, Movements Journal: Turkey’s ChangingMigration Regime and Its Global and Regional Dynamics 3(2) 193-210.
Tibet, E. E. (2017) ‘Shattered Dreams: The Syrian Unaccompanied Minors and the EU-Turkey Deal’, Movements Journal: Turkey’s Changing Migration Regime and ItsGlobal and Regional Dynamics 3(2) 21-30.
Tibet, E.E. (2010) ‘Development or Displacement? Adaptation and Resettlement among Cave Dwellers in Cappadocia’, Anthropology News Journal, AmericanAnthropological Association, 51 (8) 23p.
Contributions to Academic Books:
Thieme, S & Tibet, E, E (2023) Unorthodox Coalitions: Co-Creative Multimodal Media Initiatives for Transformative Critical Sustainability Studies. Book Chapter, Media Meditation and Communicative Action: Ethics, Aesthetics and Satyagraha, Edited by Dr.Ananta Kumar Giri and Dr.Santosh Kumar Biswal (on Press, Palgrave Macmillan).
Strasser, S & Tibet, E, E (2022) The Border Event in the Everyday: Hope and Constraints Among the Young Migrants in Turkey’.JEMS Special Issue republished as Book Chapter (on Press, Routledge).
Tibet, E.E. (2018) ‘Learning as Agency: Strategies of Survival Among the Somali Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Youth inTurkey’ in: Bhabha, Jacqueline / Senovilla Hernandez, Daniel / Kanics, Jyothi (Eds.): Handbook on Migration and Childhood. Edward Elgar Publishing House, UK.
Tibet, E.E. (2018) ‘I am not a beggar; I am an Istanbullu: Seeking the right for a neighbourhood to being dragged into Streets’ (InEnglish and Turkish: Ben Dilenci Degilim, Istanbulluyum) Special issue: children and spatial justice by Beyond Istanbul,Turkey.çocuğun-mahalleli-olma-hakkı-ve-sokaklarla-i̇mtihanı-e6b5fcf8d0c9
Tibet, E.E. (2011) ‘Tourism Impact among the Cave Dwellers of Cappadocia: From Troglodytes to Modern Houses’, Book Chapterin “Sustainability of Tourism: Cultural and Environmental Perspectives” Kozak. M (Ed) Cambridge Scholars Publishing,44-75.
Contributions to Multi-disciplinary Books; Media & Arts & Culinary :
Mendonca, Miguel (2021) Make/Manifest: A Life in Art and Craft . An exploration of the challenges and rewards of living a creative life, twenty artists and creators share the insights they have gained through long-term relationships with their craft, discussing their medium, their relationship with the audience, and their approaches to creative and professional sustainability. These unique profiles offer the reader inspiration and illumination that will help them reflect on, deepen and refresh their craft. AMAZON Publishing House.
Bicer, Ali ( 2019) Orientalisch; Vegan und Vegetarish ( Oriental: Vegan and Vegeterian) Cook book by FONA Publishing House ( Photographed 74 food receipts with content and graphics creation)çer-Ali/dp/3037806664
Tibet, E.E. & Yogurtcuoglu, G,S (2018) Displaced in Media: Advocacy Publication. Case study from Turkey on the good practices of participatory filmmaking with unaccompanied asylum seeking youth (Book Magazine edited by European Culture Foundation funded and published by Erasmus + Project).
Patents & Licenses:
Patent for the brand name and concept for Fairy Dust Cappadocia, social enterprise focusing on the branding (package design, storytelling) and commercialization of local products, supporting regenerative farming practices with multi-modal and applied anthropology methodologies: (founded by Eda Elif Tibet).
Opinion Pieces & Interviews & News :
Tibet, Eda Elif (2021) The Mediterranean is Burning and Mobile Pastoralists have a Solution About this. Global Environments Network.
Thieme, Susan & Tibet, Eda Elif (2020) The Left Berlin | New Political Upheavals and Women Alliances in Solidarity Beyond “Lock Down” in Switzerland at times of a Global Pandemic (Co-authored with Susan Thieme, Republished from scientific journal paper at Interface).
Global Migration Film Festival, Geneva Switzerland
Yeni Safak | At the film days “From Africa to Turkey”, the Unknown sides to International Migration Events are on the Table